(James 2:17-18) NKJV “…Faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead… Show me your faith without your works, and I will show you my faith by my works”
It’s one thing to read, believe and take hold of something. It’s another to act as though you believe it.
When you know that you know God has healed you—because that’s the loving God He is—it’s time to act like it. Walk out the rest of this day in faith and thank God for your healing. You may feel sick, you may feel like not moving a muscle, but don’t let your feelings stop you from acting on God’s Word. You may not be able to do much yet, sometimes it takes time to get the natural in line with the supernatural. If someone tells you, “You look sick,” reply, “No, I’m doing great because by His stripes, I am healed!”
As you act upon His Word, you’re allowing it to grow in you, settle in you. Next thing you know, it becomes active and strong in your life. You’ll find yourself growing in your faith like never before. Then, God’s Word will be working in your life in a way like nothing else can. It’ll be working in a life full of FAITH.
Pastor Gary